Chaos Redefined

About The

Chaos Redefined is a passion project combining my love for mathematics with art and design. A self-led journey through the wonders of mathematically defined chaos and its rich background in both its meaning and science. Ending with a proposed exhibition visualising my findings.
Personal Project

Down the rabbit hole

I started this investigation by finding out what chaos means to me. I did this by analysing waves in multiple different mediums, such as light waves in photography, water waves in liquid and sound waves in music. I realised that the unique forms and structures within waves are caused by chaotic, random turbulence.

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The Process

The Process

The Process

The Process

The Process

The Process

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Breaking Through

I followed a strict practice-based learning method. Journeying from one experiment to another until I fully understood how to recreate mathematically defined chaotic and ordered structures. I found a difference between the mathematical definition of chaos and the philosophical/visual definition of chaos: even though a structure is defined mathematically as chaotic, from a human perspective it can look ordered. Likewise, a structure that is defined mathematically as orderly may look chaotic.